The United Kingdom and Ireland Contest Club

80m SSB Contest - 5th February 2025

Thanks for taking part in the February UKEICC 80m SSB contest. Final results are below. Congratulations to SM5CSS for being overall winner, and thanks also to G4FJK and EI8CE for operating the bonus calls. Personal UBN files have been emailed to all entrants.

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Call Pwr Grid Raw Dupe Bust NIL Good Bonus Total  -- Best DX --
QSOs QSOs Stns Pts Call Km
1SM5CSS LJO89LS4300043G  EI257EI9FVB1812
2S57KM *LJN76HD4300043G  EI232EI9KA1885
3GM4JYB LIO88JM4901048G  EI203CT1BWU2185
4GM0TKB LIO88IP4802046G  EI1949A2NB1882
5GI4SJQ LIO64SJ5701056G  EI189SQ8MK1945
6DR6T LJN68IV5304049G  EI182EI9FVB1548
7EI9FVB *HIO51QV5700057    179SM5CSS1812
8G7D *LIO91SK6301062G  EI175SM5CSS1430
9EI6JTB HIO63AK5301052G  EI174SM5CSS1673
10EI7PRC LIO52TA5801156    172SM5CSS1790
11G3Q *HIO84QD6302061G  EI171SQ8MK1695
12SM5JVF *LJO89JO3501133G  EI169EI7PRC1775
13G0GQT LJO01GJ5302051G  EI159SM5CSS1387
14G3SWC LIO91SC4900049G  EI152SM5JVF1440
15DF1MM *QJO43HB3801037G  EI149EI9KA1205
16G4IRC *LJO02OD5001049G  EI146SM5CSS1294
17MI3UIW LIO64NW4400044G   145IZ1ZJV1970
18EI9KA LIO53HA3600036G  EI136S57KM1885
19G4BRK LIO91HP5001049G  EI136SM5CSS1458
20OR4T HJO20CL4800048    134SM5CSS1312
21EI2KA LIO51HM3500035G  EI133S57KM1851
22EI5KG *HIO62SH4602044G  EI127SM5CSS1667
23G4DBW LJO01NI3800038G  EI1249A2NB1148
24G4DZL LIO92IS4400044G  EI124SM5JVF1350
25G2AA LIO92KO4401043G   121SQ8MK1602
26G4NKT LIO81RL3700037G  EI112SM5CSS1528
27GM4VYQ LIO76GA2800028G  EI111S57KM1775
28M0SAR LIO91RI3300033G  EI106SM5CSS1441
29PE1EWR *LJO11SL4103038G  EI105SM5JVF1228
30GW4J HIO73WF3301131G  EI103SM5CSS1480
31EI3ENB LIO62JH3111128G  EI102S57KM1724
32OZ4NA LJO46WR2000020G  EI99EI7PRC1292
33GU0UVH LIN89VR2800028G  EI99SM5CSS1655
34GM4M LIO75XT2900029G  EI98DR6T1372
35EI7CC LIO63WG2901028G  EI93S57KM1685
36G5UM LIO92HQ3401033G  EI92DF9ME1093
37G8OLA HIO90OR3600036    92SM5JVF1487
38G4RCG HIO93FQ2800028G  EI91SM5JVF1298
39SQ8MK LKO11CJ1300013G  EI91EI5G2027
40M0VQP *LIO92NG3302031G  EI87SM5CSS1384
41G6PFC LJO02PQ2501024G  EI81SM5CSS1247
42PE0CD *LJO21TL2401023G  EI80SM5CSS1164
43G4SSW LIO92II2500025G  EI77SM5CSS1398
44MM7JNT *LIO74LV3203128G  EI74DR6T1387
45EI7GY HIO63WG2100021G  EI73S57KM1685
46SQ3TGN *LJO81LS1200012G  EI71EI5G1663
47PH9B *LJO21IO2502023G  EI68EI2KA976
48GU8ITE LIN89RK2201120G   66SM5CSS1695
49G8FRS LIO91AR1701016G  EI57DR6T1089
50DL1CC LJO72HD1401013   EI55EI9FVB1590
51GU7DAI LIN89RL1200012G  EI52MI3UIW676
52EI4KU LIO52OW1400014G   50OR4T938
53EI6GMB LIO52NW2103018G  EI44PE1EWR863
54LB2WD LJO48HM2405019G   42S57KM1436
55PA3KL LJO32CA90009G   34EI7T963
56M0KNM LIO91VV90108G  EI34GM0TKB777
57G0AKF LIO83TH50005G  EI34EI9FVB452
58SP1TP LJO73GK20002G  EI30EI5G1475
59DD0ML LJO40IK120309G   22EI7PRC1204
60DO1WFW LJO60AS10001G   15G5GEI1102
61EI4BZ LIO51UW90207G   14G7D545
62CT1BWU LIM59QE80305G   0GI4SJQ1699


Soapbox comments from UKEICC 80m SSB contest using 6 char grids on 05/02/2025 50 watts and 54 m longwire -- DL1CC Noisy condx for me tonight as I could not seem to find a frequency that was halfway quiet. Tnx fer QSOs es 73 de Tim Ei2KA -- EI2KA Just got in for a few minutes... -- EI4BZ Long skip condx. Used SD fb. -- EI5G Plenty of EI's & G's tonight. Not many Europeans. FTDX5000, Sloping V Dipole. N1MM+ Logging. Good fun as always. -- EI5KG Thank you to all organisers -- EI6GMB Best QRB is 1789km for S57KM at JN76HD -- EI7PRC Conditions good and enjoyed the contest -- EI9FVB great conditions. Thanks everyone! -- EI9KA IC 7610 EFHW LONG WIRE -- G0AKF Some wicked QSB during the contest. -- G0GQT Good conditions. Very enjoyable. -- G3Q Much better than the last SSB one I did. Noisy and not many strong signals but nice and friendly. -- G4BRK Love the CW sessions but Im not a fan of the SSB, -- G4RCG In IO80ew, conditions were average, but the noise-floor was not bad, so I was pleased to work 81 stations this evening. 73 de Tim G5GEI @ G4FJK -- G5GEI Using N1MM+ logger. -- G7D Band in good shape. Thined out a bit in the last 30 minutes. Again a very friendly contest. Good fun. -- GI4SJQ Thanks all. Good fun tonight. IC-7300, 100w to inv-V dipole at 13m -- GM4JYB Nice to hear some familiar calls thanks again -- GM4M Band was in good condition this evening. Had my best contest to date. -- GM4VYQ Best QRB is 1434km for S57KM at JN76HD -- LB2WD Tnx all for qso see you next month. 73 Eric -- OR4T Super propagations this evening. 73, Sandi -- S57KM Vy good conditions this evening!Tnx to all that gave me a call or answered my call! 73 de Allan -- SM5CSS

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