The United Kingdom and Ireland Contest Club
About the UKEICC
Our Aims:
To promote the development of HF contesting in the UK and Ireland
To encourage newcomers into HF contesting
To encourage technological developments
To encourage the use of effective operating techniques
To encourage UK and Irish participation
  in domestic and international HF contests
To offer advice and exchange experiences amongst HF contesters
Our Intentions:
To accumulate a wide range of useful contesting resources on this website
To highlight links to other interesting and informative existing internet resources
To carry out periodic online surveys of members' opinions
To host Webinars with guest presenters from around the world
To publish new technical and operating articles - we invite "your" input
The UKEICC was formed in early 2014 with the above (ambitious) Aims and Intentions.   Click here to read a short article about the formation of the UKEICC.
The UKEICC is run by a small but enthusiastic group of keen UK and EI contesters : GW0ETF, EI2KA, G4FJK, GM3WOJ, EI8CE, G4WQI, G3WPH, G4PVM. If you feel you could contribute some spare time (!) to help run the UKEICC, please get in touch.

This website will slowly be expanded with useful information for contesters. Please send us (team any Articles or Links that you think would be suitable for publishing on this website. Thanks!