The United Kingdom and Ireland Contest Club

80m SSB Contest - 4th October 2023

Thanks for taking part in the UKEICC 80m SSB contest on 4th Oct 2023. Congratulations to Mark EI6JK for the overall leading score, also to Leslei GM0TKB leading the Low Power section, and to Ger MW7FON heading the QRP category. Thanks to Paul EI3ENB who operated the EI5G Bonus station, and to Tim G4FJK who operated the G5GEI Bonus station. 73 from the Adjudicators - Angel M0HDF, Tim G4FJK, Stewart GW0ETF & Paul EI5DI.

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Call Pwr Grid Raw Dupe Bust NIL Good Bonus Total  -- Best DX --
QSOs QSOs Stns Pts Call Km
1EI6JK *HIO53TS6701066G  EI233SQ8DSN2108
2G4FNL *HIO90XU8504081G  EI212SM3KJO1747
3GM0TKB LIO88IP4901048G  EI188SQ8DSN1840
4M3E HJO01CB7102069G   183SQ8DSN1563
5GM0V *HIO85AT6802066   EI182SQ8DSN1824
6SM5CSS LJO89LS3000129G  EI176EI2KA1879
7GM4JYB LIO88JM4100041G  EI173S57KM1826
8EI2KA LIO51HM3700037G  EI162SM5CSS1879
9GM2V HIO77WS4701046   EI158S57KM1815
10G4DSP *LIO92WU5301052G  EI140SM5CSS1303
11M5G LIO92JO5602054G  EI139SM5CSS1375
12EI8KN HIO62IE4802046G  EI136SM5CSS1720
13GM1X LIO67IN3600036G  EI136SM5CSS1421
14MM0WKY LIO88KK3802036G  EI135SQ8MK1790
15DL3RAR LJN68IV2501024G  EI128EI2KA1597
16EI7CC LIO63WG3500035G  EI116SM5CSS1584
17G3SWC LIO91SC4301042   EI116SM5CSS1458
18EI7GY HIO63WG4301042G  EI111DL3RAR1402
19ON7IO *LJO20GP4103038G  EI108SM5CSS1284
20S57KM *LJN76HD2100120G   102EI2KA1851
21PE1EWR *LJO11SL3803035G  EI99SM5CSS1248
22G5UM LIO92HQ4601045    98SM5CSS1377
23GW4J HIO73WF3300033G   98S57KM1559
24G2AA LIO92KO4104037G  EI96SM5CSS1371
25MW7FON QIO73VC4103038G  EI94DL3RAR1273
26G4DZL LIO92IS3100031G  EI93GM4JYB652
27MM0MUN LIO87WD2801027G  EI92DL3RAR1349
28GM3ZDH *LIO75UU2900029G  EI92ON7IO826
292E0IGD LIO93KF3101030G  EI92OZ4NA804
30M4J *HJO02OD3101030G   91SQ8MK1447
31G0HGH LIO92WS4504140G   90SM5CSS1309
32G6C LIO70KI2900029G  EI89GM0TKB931
33G4BYE LIO91VW3603033G  EI88SM5CSS1378
34EI9KA *QIO53HA1900019G  EI85GM0TKB733
35M1CJE LIO91CJ2701026G  EI84SM5CSS1498
36GU0UVH LIN89VR2800028G  EI82GM0TKB995
37GM4M LIO75XT2901028G  EI81PE1EWR695
38EI7INB LIO52MN1800018G  EI79ON7IO958
39GW7BZR LIO72UF2700027   EI73GM0TKB718
40OZ4NA LJO46WR2002018G  EI68EI2KA1380
41G0ILO LJO01OI2502023G  EI65DL3RAR866
42SQ8MK *LKO11CJ1100011G   61EI6JK2074
43G6UBM LJO01CE1600016G   61SM5CSS1420
44EI5DI LIO63VG2001019G  EI59GM0TKB626
452I0WMN LIO64VF1600016G  EI58G4FNL562
46F4VWD *LJN06FF1201011G  EI50GM0V1110
47M7WLT *QIO91FI1900019G   50GM0TKB820
48M0VQP *LIO92NG2101020   EI48MM0WKY702
49M0KNM LIO91VV1601015G  EI44GM2V701
50S5/M0MPM *LJN75PX50005G   27EI6JK1897
51SQ8DSN LKO11HF70106G   27EI6JK2108
52PE0CD *LJO21TL60006G   23GM0V796
53SE5W *LJP80NF30003G   21G5GEI1657
54M6YDZ QIO91GO30003G   17G5GEI168


Soapbox comments from UKEICC 80m SSB contest using 6 char grids on 04/10/2023 Conditions not too bad, thanks for the calls, 73, 2E0IGD, Gary -- 2E0IGD Short fun contest with some QRN 50W on homebrew wire loop. -- 2I0WMN Odd conditions tonight but still good fun. Best thing was working all my team members--first time in a very long time. Apologies to one station that I gave wrong locator to. I'll try to correct my error. SD was great as usual. -- EI2KA SD K3 -- EI5DI Best QRB is 2101km for SQ8DSN at KO11HF, Band in good shape, not too busy.Good fun as usual . 73 to all de EI6JK Mark. -- EI6JK struggled on some qso with only 20 watts -- EI7INB Busy session. Good fun. -- EI8KN Running 2.5 W. Tks to all who struggled to hear me! Thanks to Paul EI5DI for this great SD log pgm! -- EI9KA Disregard that previous upload as EI8KF! I'm now resident in France as F4VWD, first contest since receiving my French callsign in early August. à bientôt! -- F4VWD Temporary antenna put up and all the RF feedback that went with it. Spent 50% of the time sorting that out! -- G0ILO A fair bit of noise this end tonight. Found it a struggle -- G4DSP only a short time on but had fun quiet band tonight -- G6UBM Best QRB is 1818km for SQ8DSN at KO11HF -- GM0V Good condx but band busy with non-contest stns. Tnx for QSOs - 73 Chris -- GM2V Didn't seem to be many stations on tonight. Good fun but slow. Thanks all -- GM4JYB band very noisy for me tonight plus QSB. -- GM4M 30 mins from the Ipswich club shack so loc ended OD not MA tonight! -- M4J Local QRM/QRN didn't help but still made some QSOs Thanks all stations worked. See you on the next one hopefully QRM free hi I use EI5DI's SD for my contest logging. -- M5G Got very noisy halfway through! -- MM0MUN Ant dipole - Rig K3S - Strong QRM but I had fun ;-) -- ON7IO Good signals but high noise level as well! I had log program problems this evening! Thanks to all who answered my calls! 73 de Allan -- SM5CSS

Some Statistics

Total QSOs: 1043 Cross Checked QSOs: 783 Long distance QSOs (Over 2000 km) EI6JK in IO53TS worked SQ8DSN in KO11HF at distance of 2108 km EI6JK in IO53TS worked SQ8MK in KO11CJ at distance of 2074 km Stations who paid more than a casual interest in the contest but didn't submit a log PE1EWR has 37 QSO Records G1JSF has 17 QSO Records EI2II has 12 QSO Records G0PQB has 12 QSO Records OO4P has 12 QSO Records DL3EL has 12 QSO Records EI2JGB has 11 QSO Records PA3GDY has 11 QSO Records ON5KR has 10 QSO Records GI7IRJ has 08 QSO Records G0TNT has 07 QSO Records M7KVK has 06 QSO Records F1FPL has 06 QSO Records SQ6ILZ has 05 QSO Records I2UVZ has 05 QSO Records