The United Kingdom and Ireland Contest Club

80m SSB Contest - 1st January 2025

A Happy New Year to you All Thank you for taking part in this first UKEI contest of 2025. The "Final" results are shown below. Conditions for short skip were not good, but signals on longer skip across Europe were better. High noise across the band affected a lot of stations, and activity was not good this time. 73 The UKEICC Team

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Call Pwr Grid Raw Dupe Bust NIL Good Bonus Total  -- Best DX --
QSOs QSOs Stns Pts Call Km
1EI8CE HIO62HI5502053G  EI160SQ8MK2027
2GM2V HIO77WS3800038G  EI152S57KM1815
3GI4SJQ LIO64SJ3700037G  EI123SQ8MK1945
4G3XYF LIO94TA3400133G  EI117SQ8MK1548
5MI3UIW LIO64NW4210041    117SQ8MK1970
6DF5EN *HJO31ML2200022G  EI110EI9FVB1083
7S57KM *LJN76HD1300013G  EI102GM2V1815
8EI9FVB *HIO51QV3102029G  EI99SQ8MK2120
9GM0TKB LIO88IP2300023G  EI99DF5EN1034
10EI7PRC LIO52TA4002038    97SQ8MK2100
11GM4JYB LIO88JM2300023G  EI97DF5EN1020
12EI3ENB LIO62JH3601035   EI95SQ8MK2016
13G3SWC LIO91SC2600026G  EI93DK4WW1004
14G3TKF *LIO81RI3300033G   90S57KM1385
15G4BYE LIO91VW2501024G  EI89LY7T1510
16G0GQT LJO01GJ2601025G   87SQ8MK1503
17G7D *LIO91SK2801027G  EI87DK4WW996
18DK4WW *LJO62XE2002018G  EI85EI9FVB1544
19EI2KA LIO51HM2410023G  EI82GM2V774
20SQ8MK LKO11CJ1511013G   82EI9KA2150
21EI8KN HIO62IE2200022G  EI77GM0TKB762
22OR4T HJO20CL3101030    77SQ8MK1267
23G5UM LIO92HQ2100021G  EI76DK4WW1043
24GW4J LIO73WF2200022G  EI68DF5EN785
25G2AA LIO92KO1900019G  EI66F4EZJ804
26G4DBW LJO01NI1400014G  EI65GM4JYB845
27G3R LIO83SJ1800018G  EI62GM4JYB573
28EI7CC LIO63WG1700017G  EI61F4EZJ987
29EI9KA LIO53HA2402022G   61SQ8MK2150
30EI2IAB LIO63NK3104027G   60S57KM1739
31OZ4NA LJO46WR90009G  EI59EI8CE1214
32EI7GY HIO63WG1400014G  EI56GM4JYB613
33G4DZL LIO92IS1701016G  EI56SQ8MK1612
34GM4VYQ LIO76GA1501014G  EI49OR4T891
35OM3CPF HJN88QQ60006G   47MI3UIW1800
36PE1EWR *LJO11SL1301111G  EI46EI7PRC825
37G4BRK LIO91HP1000010G  EI46GM2V705
38G4NKT LIO81RL1901018G   44GM0TKB800
39EI6GMB LIO52NW1101010G  EI38GM2V617
40G0AKF LIO83TH70007G  EI38EI9FVB452
41SM5CSS LJO89LS40004G   31EI8CE1713
42DD0ML LJO40IK50005G   29MI3UIW1164
43G1JJA LIO92AH70007G   25GM2V623
44G1WVK LIO81WV50104    4GM2V667
45SP1TP LJO73GK10001    4G3XYF985
46M0KNM LIO91VV10001    2G4BYE5
47CT1AL HIN60AQ40301    0EI7PRC1260


Soapbox comments from UKEICC 80m SSB contest using 6 char grids on 01/01/2025 unconnected -- DD0ML HNY to everyone. Weak signals at first but then got stronger and stronger. -- DF5EN Best QRB is 1734km for S57KM at JN76HD -- EI2IAB Difficult band conditions for me tonight. Here's hoping this isn't the shape of conditions to come in 2025. Thanks for QSOs and happy new year. -- EI2KA That was hard work. Poor conditions, sorry to all those I could not pull out. Hopefully CW will be better at the end of the month. Happy new year to all. David EI5KG -- EI5G Thank you -- EI6GMB Very difficult at the start, only a little better towards the end! -- EI7GY Best QRB is 2093km for SQ8MK at KO11CJ -- EI7PRC Condx were down as was activity level. used SD fb -- EI8CE poor conditions heavy QRM but great fun as always -- EI9KA IC 7610 EFHW LONG WIRE -- G0AKF THAT WAS EXTREMLY DIFFICULT TONIGHT WITH S 7-9 OF NOISE. HOPE IT WAS STATIC RAIN AND NOT A NEIGHBOURS APPLIANCE. THANKS FOR YOUR PATIENCE. 73's. HNY. Mark. -- G0GQT FIRST TIME FOR ONE OF THESE QUICK CONTESTS, A STRUGGLE HERE WITH HIGH NOISE LEVELS -- G1JJA Very High noise and band did not open here until last 10-15 mins. -- G3R Very poor conditions. Big signals from Italy but little heard inter-G -- G3SWC I can't quite believe how bad that was. Last 20 mins were slightly better than the first 40. My antenna got caught in the TV antenna so high/variable SWR, but even on my RX antenna I only copied about 5 more station than I worked. -- G4BRK Long skip. Poor conditions -- G4BYE Noisy conditions . No short skip . Slow traffic this evening. -- G4DBW High noise floor here, I hope due to the high K-index and aurora, not an antenna fault ? UK and EI signals were not strong and often swamped by the noise. Central EU stations were the best, but not many of you on the band. Next time, a good Rx antenna might improve things a lot - my Beverage or the Loop antenna, which are both packed away. 73 de G5GEI @ G4FJK First 40 minutes ... terrible condx. -- G7D Hard work at times but considering the aurora a few hours earlier not to bad. -- GI4SJQ Band very busy with non-contest stations. Strong aurora here. Tnx QSOs - Happy New Year! 73 Chris -- GM2V Poor conditions due to aurora. Hard work but good fun. Happy New Year and thanks to all. IC-7300, 100w, dipole at 13m. -- GM4JYB Suffered a very high level of Christmas lights noise and there didn't appear to be as many on for the contest as usual. Happy New Year. -- GM4VYQ Condition are not the best :-( but fun to run one hour contest. -- OR4T Working remotely. Sorry I couldn't wish you HNY on the air, since I could just play recordings of my callsign, locator and GL. Happy New Year!!! -- S57KM This was my worst operation in UKEICC ever only four stations did hear me! HNY to all de Allan -- SM5CSS

Some Statistics

- nothing to mention -