The United Kingdom and Ireland Contest Club

80m SSB Contest - 4th September 2024

Thanks for entering the first contest of the 2024/25 series of UKEICC 80m contests. Final results appear below. Three logs had to be 'repaired' to be incorporated in the final table; use of recommended logging software and the correct contest template would have avoided this. One station was sending a locator which differed from that entered in the log resulting in many undeserved busts for entrants until corrected. GM4JYB was overall winner and leading Low Power entrant. EI6JK headed the High Power section and M7WLT was highest scoring QRP entrant. Thanks to EI8CE and G4FJK for running the 2 bonus calls EI5G/G5GEI. GW0ETF - Adjudicator

Results Filter
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Call Pwr Grid Raw Dupe Bust NIL Good Bonus Total  -- Best DX --
QSOs QSOs Stns Pts Call Km
1GM4JYB LIO88JM4400044G  EI171S57KM1826
2EI2KA LIO51HM4301042G  EI151SM5CSS1879
3EI6JK *HIO53TS4600046G  EI144DM3MAS1327
4G4BYE LIO91VW4400143G  EI129SM5CSS1378
5F4VWD HJN06FF2800028G  EI125LB2WD1475
6G3SWC LIO91SC4201041G  EI123SM5CSS1458
7G7M LIO93GH5301052G   121S57KM1402
8SM5CSS LJO89LS1700017G  EI116EI2KA1879
9MI3UIW LIO64NW4010039G   113S57KM1800
10GM4B LIO87WD2700027G  EI107DM3MAS992
11GM4M LIO75XT3201031G  EI101SM5CSS1319
12G6MC HIO94FB5505149G   101S57KM1448
13EI8KN HIO62IE3611034G  EI99SM5CSS1720
14PE1EWR *LJO11SL3402032G  EI99SM5CSS1248
15G2AA LIO92KO4514040G  EI93SM5CSS1371
16S57KM *LJN76HD1200012G  EI84EI2KA1851
17M7WLT QIO91FI2400024G  EI84GM4JYB805
18EI7GY HIO63WG2600026G  EI79F4VWD915
19G4DZL LIO92IS2300023G  EI79GM4JYB652
20EI3ENB LIO62JH2901127G  EI78LB2WD1214
21GM4VYQ LIO76GA2301121G  EI76DF8QB974
22EI7CC LIO63WG2400024G  EI76DF8QB922
23GM2S *LIO75XM2300023G  EI75DF8QB869
24PE0CD *LJO21TL1600016G  EI74SM5CSS1164
25F1FPL LJN09LE2200022G  EI72GM4VYQ875
26M0VQP *LIO92NG2301022G  EI68GM4JYB712
27G0SDM *LIO92VV2502023G  EI66F4VWD743
28G7NJX LIO81OH2500025G   64PA3FR633
29G5UM LIO92HQ3803035    63SM5CSS1377
30PC4H *LJO22IH2603023G  EI62SM5CSS1125
31EI6JTB LIO63AK1900019G  EI61GM4JYB639
32LB2WD LJO48HM1802016G   56F4VWD1475
33MW7FON QIO73VC3302031    54PE0CD695
34G4SSW *LIO92II2002018G  EI52GM4JYB698
35EI9IRB *LIO63RI1701016G  EI51GM4JYB612
36EI6GMB LIO52OW2413020G  EI49G0SDM577
37GU0UVH LIN89VR1000010G  EI47MI3UIW661
38DM3MAS HJO52SV1201011   EI46EI6JK1327
39G8VPE LJO02TP70007    13EI6JK679
40DD0ML LJO40IK60204G  EI10EI5G1137
41G0ATR LIO92KO90207G   7GM2S377


Soapbox comments from UKEICC 80m SSB contest using 6 char grids on 04/09/2024 Made a start one hour early tonight and a friend gently told me my error--thanks Aidan. Brain not working tonight and neither can DXLog read my rig's frequency. What a mess but very happy to work all my DDX Dream Team members tonight. Great to have this contest back--now to remember how it's done. -- EI2KA High QRN and low activity -- EI5G thank you all! -- EI6GMB Band not great ,noisey , not much dx ,great to be back ,hope everyone had a good summer. 73 de Mark. -- EI6JK Signals were generally strong but activity seemed very low. -- EI8KN Best QRB is 611km for GM4JYB at IO88JM -- EI9IRB lot off noise very difficult to copy station -- F1FPL Very noisy band conditions this evening but nice to work stations in Slovenia and Norway as well as all the Irish & UK stations... -- F4VWD S9 noise not many people heard. But GM EI Germany and Netherlands heard. Well wishes.. Mike -- G0ATR Very Noisy! -- G4BYE Lots of ligtening crashes. Plenty of Irish stations. Thanks to all. IC-7300, 100w to dipole. -- GM4JYB my usual s9 noise plus static crashes for extra effect -- GM4M Glad to have this contest back on. Had a lot of local QRN but an enjoyable hour just the same. -- GM4VYQ rather bad conditions.. -- PE0CD Bad conditions a lot of noise and a bad voice It was a hard time! 73 de Allan -- SM5CSS

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