The United Kingdom and Ireland Contest Club

80m SSB Contest - 2nd October 2024

Thanks for entering the UKEICC October 2024 80m SSB contest. Finalised results are displayed below. Good to hear so many EI stations active and also quite a few new stations who were entering a UKEICC 80m contest for the first time - we hope you enjoyed the event. Congratulations to the winners in each section - UBN files and a copy of the Results have been emailed to all entrants. Thanks to Dean G4WQI who worked 45 entrants as bonus station G5GEI and to Paul EI3ENB who worked 43 entrants as bonus station Ei5G. We need more teams of four to enter the Teams Competition - you have until the end of November 2024 to let us know who your team members are. Use the '80M CONTESTS' pull-down menu above to view the League tables and the Teams of Four information. The next contest of the 2024/25 80m series is on CW on 30th October 2024. Adjudicator - Dean G4WQI

Results Filter
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Call Pwr Grid Raw Dupe Bust NIL Good Bonus Total  -- Best DX --
QSOs QSOs Stns Pts Call Km
1GM2V HIO77WS4800048G  EI197S57KM1815
2EI8CE HIO62HI5700057G  EI185SE2P2095
3DM6EE LJO52KJ3900138G  EI166EI2KA1391
4SM5CSS LJO89LS2500025G  EI158EI1E1768
5S57KM *LJN76HD2600026G   150EI9KA1885
6MI3UIW LIO64NW5311051G  EI150SE2P1858
7G3Q *HIO84QD5400054G  EI150SE2P1740
8G8X *HIO80EW5310052G  EI149SM5CSS1624
9G4ERW LJO01GB4900049G   143SE2P1901
10EI1E HIO52UG4100041   EI142SE2P2142
11G2AA LIO92KO5001049G  EI136SE2P1818
12G4BRK LIO91HP4601045G  EI132SE2P1916
13G3SWC LIO91SC4300043G  EI132SE2P1932
14G3XTZ LIO91SK4500045G  EI129SM5CSS1430
15G4SND LIO81RI4000040G  EI129SE2P1987
16EI5KG *HIO62SH4502043G  EI122S57KM1674
17M3V LIO92JO4802046G  EI119SM5CSS1375
18G4DBW LJO01NI4501044G   117SE2P1852
19LB2WD LJO48HM2400024G  EI116S57KM1436
20EI7GY HIO63WG3700037G  EI115DM6EE1148
21G4BYE LIO91VW4302041G  EI114SM5CSS1378
22DK5DQ LJO31QH4001039    112EI9KA1159
23GM4JYB LIO88JM2700027G  EI108DM6EE1119
24EI2KA LIO51HM2900029G  EI107DM6EE1391
25EI8KN HIO62IE3200032G  EI104DM6EE1237
26G5UM LIO92HQ4101040   EI100SM5CSS1377
27GM0TKB LIO88IP2401023G  EI92DM6EE1130
28EI9KA LIO53HA2501024G  EI91S57KM1885
29M0VQP *LIO92NG3702035G   88SE2P1839
30G4R HIO90AS2600026G  EI85DM6EE907
31G4DZL LIO92IS2900029G  EI85SM5CSS1367
32G3KNU LIO93QN3402032G  EI84SM5CSS1276
33GM4B LIO87WD2802026   EI79DM6EE988
34PE0CD *LJO21TL3001029    79SE2P1694
35EI7CC LIO63WG2500025G  EI78DK5DQ945
36ON9PA *LJO20GQ3302031G   77EI2KA978
37GM4VYQ LIO76GA2200022G  EI77DK5DQ995
38SE2P *LKP04HM1601114    76EI1E2142
39G4SSW LIO92II2400024G  EI72DM6EE828
40EI6IKB *LIO63WJ2500025   EI65DM6EE1147
41EI9IUB QIO63FJ1901018G  EI64DM6EE1241
42PC4H *LJO22IH2501024G   57EI1E886
43PE1MCF LJO32CQ1810017   EI51EI1E985
44M7WLT QIO91FI1500015G   42DM6EE862
45GU0UVH LIN89VR1400014G   37G3Q492
46EI7INB QIO52MN70007G   29G4ERW676
47EI6GMB LIO52NW70106   EI16M3V519
48G0FPU LIO92JO90108    8GM2V605


Best QRB is 1156km for EI9KA at IO53HA -- DK5DQ After not beeing able to participate in the CW part in September it was fun. Have never done so much running. Thank you for all the calls! -- DM6EE 1st UKEICC by Derek SWL EI2095, under supervision by EI5KF -- EI1E Odd conditions again tonight. Seemed good at times but had trouble working some that should have been easy. Good showing from the island of Ireland tonight with 11 Ei/Gis in my log. Happy 10th birthday UKEICC. -- EI2KA Conditions not great into europe tonight. FTDX5000, sloping V Dipole, N1MM+ -- EI5KG THANK YOU TO ALL INVOLVED -- EI6GMB S9/+ noise made copying the lower stations impossible -- EI6IKB Propagation from continental Eu not good here -- EI7GY sd loging -- EI7INB Good condx at start of contest but tailed off later on -- EI8CE Nice contest -- G3Q Very noisy band tonight and not many continentals heard -- G3SWC Very noisy conditions ... -- G3XTZ Band quite noisy, ran out of QSOs by the end so more activity would be appreciated! -- G4BRK Best QRB is 1895km for SE2P at KP04HM -- G4ERW Nice short test , many grid locators would love to hear in rsgb vhf ac tests 73 all -- G4SSW Fairly good condx, but activity a bit low. Worked 12 EI stations incl several new ones. 73 Chris GM2V -- GM2V Slow going tonight! Thanks all. -- GM4JYB Had a compromised antenna tonight so it was a struggle being heard. -- GM4VYQ Best QRB is 1434km for S57KM at JN76HD -- LB2WD Crippling local QRM much elevated noise floor but still made a few QSOs. Thanks all stns worked apols to the ones I missed. See you all again next time. I use EI5DI's SD for my contest logging -- M3V GREAT SHORT CONTEST NON STOP QSO -- ON9PA Nice short contest but much noise. Managed to make 30 QSO's anyway -- PE0CD Best QRB is 2135km for EI1E at IO52UG -- SE2P

Some Statistics

Total QSOs: 912 Cross Checked QSOs: 711 There were no Long distance QSOs over 2500 km