The United Kingdom and Ireland Contest Club

Results - DX SSB Contest - 22/23rd October 2016

The UKEICC team apologise to all entrants for the delay in finalising these results, but here they are now.... Thanks for entering the second UK/EI DX SSB Contest - we hope you enjoyed the event. We received 55 more entries than last year's first event, so that is a good sign for the long-term future of this contest. Several entrants mentioned the 2-hour log submission deadline as being a problem for them. We are planning to change this to either (a) 24 hours or (b) the end of the day following the day the contest finishes - in both cases if you want to be eligible for an Award, and something like 3 days or 5 days for all other entrants. This change and some other minor changes to the Rules will be made before the April 2017 CW event. Congratulations to Clive GM3POI (GM3X) on winning Overall, the UK/EI and High Power sections - all in 12 hours of operating. Congratulations to the Caithness Amateur Radio Society MS0FNR multi-op team (GM0TKB MM6DHW GM4JYB 2M0WIC 2M0DOU) in second place Overall. Also to Leif OZ1IA as the top European station, the Avondhu Radio Club EI1E multi-op team (EI4KH EI5KF EI7HIB EI9GRB) as top EI station and to Pavlo UV7V as the top single-op Low Power station. Christian EI6HZB is the top EI single-op station and Sergei RV9DC is the top DX station entrant. (More comments and the 12hr/24hr Results tables to follow.....) Awards - these are still being sorted out - the Awards page still lists the 2015/16 Awards, but will be updated in the next week or two. The UK/EI DX CW Contest is on 22/23rd April 2017. 73 Simon M0VKY and Chris GM3WOJ - Adjudicators.

Combined Results
UK/EI Sections
EU Sections
DX Sections

Untitled Document
High Power Low Power QRP
  Call Section QSOs Mults Points  
1GM3XH   T 10442811006542
2MS0FNRHA   M 594212472336
3OZ11AH    690264376200
4EI1EH    M 611194362780
5RK4FLHA   771284352728
6G6MCHA  T 509205321850
7M0MCVH   T 415170251940
8G4FZNH   T S 340154178332
9G4FJKHA  T 291148166944
10RK3AWH    458196159740
11YO9HPHA  TM 481201144720
12M7OH    402111136530
13RW1FHA  T 526171115596
14EI9HQH   TM 23213499964
15US2YWHA  T 40115696252
16G3PXTH    S 25510496096
17M4JH   T 24111594530
18EI6JKHA  T 1898989000
19DM5TSH    25613688808
20OR5THA  T 27313284744
21MM1EH   T 21710880784
22GM0AXYHA   23010974774
23OH4BNPHA   M 30614970328
24GW4JH   T 23610269564
25IT9SSIHA  T S 32314662926
26LX9EGH   T 26512162799
27IK2YCWHA  T 22512761468
28RU5TTH    30214356199
29RL4AHA   31313954627
30EI7KDH   T 1907851324
31IT9FRXH    30013347215
32SQ3JPVH    20111242336
33SE5NHA   17510034500
34M0GLVHA   S 1708632680
35OM4JH   TM 19810530975
36PA0MIRHA  T 1449130576
37G3VGZH   T 1357829796
38DL5YMHA   2159027900
39ES1BHHA   2129727257
40SV2DSJH   T 2068525925
41GM0ELPHA   1665522990
42RW3XZH    S 2177119028
43PA1NLHA   1056718492
44IK8UNDH   T 1468518445
45UR4PWCHA   M 1717517850
46K4BAIH   T 1156316191
47G4DBWH   T S 805414256
48OH7MFOHA  TM 1097111573
49IZ3SQWHA  T 1157410138
50K3ZOH    M 65468372
51SQ8NHA   99538056
52S53MHA  T 86567728
53LZ1RFHA  T 106497203
54TA3MHAH    75467176
55IU3BTYHA  T S 97577068
56OZ1NLDHA  T S 64415535
57WJ2DHA   50324480
58PA4GDRH    S 80384370
59SJ4FHA  T 39283472
60OH1TDH   TM 68393471
61VK3GKHA   38313286
62VE3FJH   T 32242184
63GW0RYTHA  T 46222112
64UT5ECZHA  T 26241368
65EA3EZDH    38261326
66S52WWHA  TM 36241224
67IN3BJSHA   M 34241152
68LZ3SDH   T 32241056
69HB9FVLH   T S 41221034
70VE3MISHA   1814952
71PY9GCH    2518792
72K7WPHA  T 2015780
73TA1APIH    2617629
74RT5CHA  T 2319570
75TA4SOHA   S 2012264
76PY2ZZZH   T 127175
77PP5JAHA   S 116156
78V6ZH   T 87140
79VE2GTHA  T S 4464
80TA1CHH    4448
81YO3GNFH    S 5416
82TA2DXH    MSr228
83NU1HH    410
  Call Section QSOs Mults Points  
1G0GHKLA   M 436181269328
2UV7VL    S 529233216457
3UR2YL   T 541230214820
4ON4AYML   T 427164190240
5SO7BITL    r417185147075
6EI6HZBL   T S 306150141300
7UT8ASL    413191123768
8GW4EVXL   T 250133114114
9OK2MBPL    365162102870
10RV9DCL    S 285140100660
11EI7CCL   T 31211796174
12G4DDXL   T S 24311693264
13GM0FGIL   T 25812388314
14M9TLA  T S 23311784708
15LZ1NDL   T 34816279542
16SE4ELA   S 25012755626
17PA7WWL    20210551870
18PA3AAVL   TM 25211451186
19DL8UDLA  T 18510650138
20PE1FTVLA  TM 20210545990
21LA5FBAL    MS 18610741623
22G4DYAL   T S 1678940940
23GW4OGOL    1728539610
24SD6ML    17110134441
25PE1EWRLA   M 1709333945
26PD7DXLA   2427428934
27RZ3ZL    S 15710024100
28PA2CVDL    S 1607723716
29R3LCL   T 2098221648
30SE5LL    1518320667
31M0RYBL   T S 1006120252
32MI0OBCL    1326520020
33HS0ZHCL    1347419980
34GM0WEDL   T 946619932
35PD8DXL   T 1676719631
36SV2BXAL    1488819184
37EA8CNRLA   1076718626
38UN8PTLA  TM 1206117568
39M6BIRLA   S 1076517030
40OZ9VL    1057316936
41G4POFL   T S 1076016920
42OL9RL    S 1185616464
43OM6ATL    1217915405
44G4ERWL   T S 944715040
45PC2LL   T Sr1115514850
46S56ALA  T 1087314673
47GM3AL   T S 945714478
48G3RSDL   T S 815414256
49IT9OPRL    1387614136
50PA1PL   T S 1176713869
51DL1SWBLA   966413440
52M5ZAPL   T S 995213312
53G0OOFL   T 1034912054
54PA0EMOL    1005911623
55G0BBOL   T S 855111424
56LZ2FML    MS 1106911316
57IZ0VXYL    S 1016710452
58F6DRPL    M 132619882
59TA1BXL    92489744
60SM5NQBLA   131609480
61EB5CSL   T S 100639009
62TA4AKSL   T S 69447920
63G0HDVL   T 81427392
64PA7SLL    S 75457020
65TA2ANBL    S 61396864
66DF6QEL    81466762
67PE2AELA  T 81506700
68RN4SCL    S 97596667
69EA3AYQL    125566664
70LZ2ZYL   T S 117466348
71EW8GL    83516273
72EA1FALA  T 68435031
73ON5WLL   T 68384674
74EI3HDBL   T S 38274536
75GW9JLA  T S 58314464
76DK5KKLA  T Sr50334422
77RT1QL   T 74464370
78IU2FGBLA   61404160
79UT4UMZLA  T 69444092
80EA5IJGLA  T Sr82463910
81EA8CSRLA   S 72333795
82M6KNSLA  T r54293596
83OE3VIAL    62453465
84G8AFNL    S 50293306
85OH4EBDLA  T S 49403160
86DL3ARML    35322976
87IZ4AIFL   T 50362808
882E0WDX/PLA   33232760
89G0CPAL    S 49282632
90SQ9SLA  T S 61322624
91PA3DBSL   T 63352590
92YT5MLA   69382546
93PA3HCCL    59332541
94F6GEUL    50352485
95PA3ARML    50312449
96HB9MXYL    40332442
97PA3JQDL    r53312170
98DL9FBL    S 40302070
99SV1KYCLA  T S 48322016
100DK8HEL    S 45342006
101G0WWDL   T S 40271998
102LB5BGL   T Sr35281904
103EW6FLA   56281876
104EI3CTBL   T S 32211764
105PH4EL    S 44261716
106IW1CHXL   T S 46321664
1079A5CANL   T S 44291653
108RA3RLA   50321568
109EA3ARPL    Sr57321536
110SV1PMRL    43241464
111OH1XFEL   T Sr25231426
112OE5HELL    31251425
113EA3ELZL    30251375
1142E0HCLL   T r24191368
115OZ4NAL   T 20191368
116M0MPML   T S 26211344
117DJ6TKL   T Sr56291334
118F6IHYL   TM 24201180
119SV3RPQL    M r28231173
120M1PTRL   T 2319988
121RW3VAL   T S 3322968
122UR3QCWL   T 2516960
123PA1TOL   T 2722946
124PA1DILA  T 2619912
125EU6AAL   T 3224888
126IT9GHWLA  T 3422880
127YO3JAVL    Sr4425850
128HB9RBLA  T S 3420820
129PA7AML    Sr2920820
130SP1VL    2720800
131TA2ACWL    S 1715780
132M6YOML    Sr2714756
133G4KIUL   T S 2715750
134RA7MLA   3021735
135G0FPUL   T 2317680
136M6YTUL   T Sr2215660
137DL0WML   T S 2011660
138EA3HJOL   T 2518612
139SF3AL    S 1615600
140YT0IL   T 2821588
141PD7CJTL    3819570
142LA8OKAL   T S 2515480
143HG2UKL    2318468
144PA3GEOLA   S 1311462
145M0VSELA  T Sr1814420
146LY5IL    S 1413416
147DO3GNL    Sr119324
148VK6VAXL    1212324
149SM7ATLL   T 1411308
150TA7EBL   T 1111308
151TA2ANLL    S 129306
152IK2MXML    3820260
153G4AYUL   T S 108224
154TA2LPLA   129198
1559A2VXL   T S 88176
156TA4ALA   M 1110170
157VK6DWLA  T 128168
158EU1EUL   T S 149126
159TA5FALA  T 77112
160KD4QMYL   T 55100
161YO9HGL   T 231391
162KC3HEOL    r6480
163NC4MIL   T 5580
164RA9MXL   TMS 4464
165F/KX6HL   T Sr12856
166IZ5VCILA  T 11848
167SD3AL   TM 10648
168K2MVLA  T Sr2216
169TA3EPL   T Sr5416
170OZ8PGL   TMS 436
171G0MCVL   T S 1030
172DF4JMLA  T r320
  Call Section QSOs Mults Points  
1RW3AIQ    S 1288516150
2SP3PQA  T 92578094
3UT3EKQA   M 63413608
4SY1AQGQA   46332178
5IK1XPK/QRPQ    Sr13352988
6MM0XDGQ   T 2716864
7SQ8MFBQ   TM 1915720
8M6OCRQ   T Sr2012360
9OK4ASQ   T 1812252
10HA6NLQA  T 2214224
11G4GSAQ    407126
12PA60WIMQ   T S 158120
13VU2URQ   T S 6678
14N9NBCQA  T 2216
15M6ZGYQ    Sr3000


Checklogs received with thanks from : 5B4AHL, 9M6XRO, EA5DFV, G3VIP, GM4AFF, GW4BLE, HG1G, K4RUM, M3ZZF, PA3KL, PD0MHZ, PD3EDA, PD7RB, RA9AMO, SP9KJU, SQ9MZ, TA3ABM, UW1M, W1/CT1AGF please use as checklog -- 5B4AHL Rig: FT-1000MP & Quadra @ 400w to 2-el Quad up 27m. Very poor & noisy condx, worse on the Sunday. Contest activity level seemed very low. -- 9M6XRO First time to be into this Contest -- DJ6TK my Rig ELECRAFT K3 an a 80m Loop & Mosley TA34 tnx foe all activity de Dl1SWB vy 73 -- DL1SWB fine contest, cu -- DL3ARM Cond. not the best but it was Fun first Time to work this Contest. See you next Time Log by SD Programm -- DL8UD Ts2000 / 90 w / Vert. anten/ -- EA3AYQ very QSB, Great Contest all the best,73 From EA5IJG. licenced July of 2014. -- EA5IJG Yaesu FT-950 Antena Dipole & Solarcom A99 -- EA8CNR 1st Multi event entry from EI1E. We hope this event grows. Thanks to all for enjoyable weekend. -- EI1E Nice contest, unfortunately the Ten Tec broke down at the end of it. -- EI6HZB HAD FUN WILL BE BACK FOR MORE NEXT YEAR WITH A FULL 24 HOUR RUN TNX FOR RUNNING CONTEST -- EI9HQ eu1eu@xxxxxx -- EU1EU Rig - FT-840 pwr=100W ant - Delta Loop 168m. 73 and CU next year -- EU6AA IC-746pro 70w ant GP -- EW8G Traveling in France. Operating portable with Alex Loop and 10 watts. -- F/KX6H Just 10 EI stns logged, seemed more activity than last year from EI. The double points hours wasn't much benefit as activity during those hours were so low. No GU/GJ/GD heard. Nice to have the V6 DXpedition call us on 14MHz. Would be nice to see a Low Power Multi-Op category as we all don't have big linears. EI stns & IRTS just ask Comreg for mega QRO power levels in the contests ie above 1.5KW more than the US limit. The little 100w teams just cannot compete. Activity seemed greater than last year which is brilliant long may it continue. Omitting all of the above the FARS team enjoyed themselves Thanks for all the QSO's. 73 + GL -- G0GHK lovely contest -- G0MCV Hard going with low power but very enjoyable. -- G0OOF SD is a very good logging program for contesting -- G0WWD I THOUGHT I WUOLD GIVE AWAY A POINT OR TWO AND GOT CARRIED AWAY HI -- G3PXT could not make full 12hour.. at times busy but bands were bad with me. got up at 5am to try for double points but only two stations were on with most bands dead so waste of sleep.Picked up sunday morning though Had computer problems so had to reload twice SD twice -- G4DDX TS590S + 40m Inverted V @ 10m -- G4ERW An excellent format for a UK contest. Quite a few UK stations needed an explanation about the "District" exchange. Best QSO was in the middle of a nice run, when someone received my "EX" district, and asked "Is there a Jessops in Exeter ? " Eh ... ? -- G4FJK Surprised by how quiet the night-time double points hours were. Hardly worth getting out of bed for! Otherwise a very enjoyable contest with only one ht fuse blown due to flashover. -- G4FZN Got to find a way to improve my aerial system in a postage stamp sized garden. The old equipment worked fine (Yaesu FT107)apart from no CAT controls. Had a good time and will be back. -- G4GSA Set alarm for 2am but could not get out of bed !!! -- G6MC only operated to give away a few points SD worked fine once I fixed my rig CAT at TX/RX end -- G8AFN Good fun -- GM0ELP Enjoyed contest -- GM3A worked VA3YAE first time not/P second time /P, might confuse the software. -- GM3X Checklog only. -- GM4AFF This entry eplaces previous checklog -- GW0RYT Very enjoyable with plenty of activity. -- GW4EVX Laid back due to bout of flu..:-( -- GW4J Just managed an hour or so on Sunday morning to give away the multiplyer. Had a nice short run on 20m with just the wire antenna and 90w -- GW9J K3 10watts out 3 el yagi -- HA6NL Tnx to all staff behind the contest. RIG: ICOM 7200; 100 W Antennas: 2 Element SteppIR resp. 40/80 m Trap Dipol; both 12 m over ground. Hpe cu next year 73 de Rudolf -- HB9MXY good contest again .but conditions really bad from Thailand. -- HS0ZHC ft991 - max 50 w - multiband vertical antenna - -- IK2MXM just few hours, but contest formula is apprecciate. 73 Sal -- IK8UND Propagation is not good in any hf bands hoping next year. No many uk-ei stations on the air. -- IT9OPR SOAB LOW POWER -- IZ0VXY Not very time but happy contest. -- IZ4AIF FTDX3000 with 100W -- LA5FBA 100 watt TS-590 and a Windomantenna -- LA8OKA First time entry. Good activity, with 40m its usual bottomless pit! -- M0MCV First time I've entered this contest. Mixed conditions but was able to make regular contacts. Glad to see lots of interest from EU. -- M1PTR didn't hear any ukei stations! -- M6OCR Good fun! 10m dead. 80m noisy. -- M9T Limited time this weekend. Bands closed early Sat evening. Good test for IOM CQWW trip! -- MM1E last days of fall lots of yard work to do so not much time !!!!!!!!! -- N9NBC Conditions very bad in my part of the world. Hope they will be better next year. My first time in this contest. Thanks to all answered me. 73 es GOD Bless -- NC4MI Only 12 hours category and 20m band this time! 73 Tony -- OH1TD W5DZZ dipole antenna and only UK/EI stations which I heard -- OH1XFE FT-817 + vertical V7+ Tnx for contest -- OK4AS Its poor that there is not SB category :-(. RIG FT1000MP,100W,GP 25mH -- OL9R LOT OFF UK STATIONS DONT NEW THERE DISTRICTCODE NICE WORKING FOR THE FIRST TIME UK IRELAND CONTEST THANK U ? MARTIN -- ON4AYM This is a good contest but the propagation was poor so I could not work many stations with 100 W. But I enjoyed the contest and I hope for better condx next year. I worked 3 h 27 m Till next year. 73 Leon ON5WL -- ON5WL Sorry to say i had to stop because of antenna problems. Will be back next year -- OZ1NLD low participatio UK/EI stations -- PA0EMO Unfortunately very noisy this weekend, so my apologies to stations calling that I could not hear -- PA0MIR Nice contest. A pleasure to do. -- PA1P 100W inverted v dipole -- PA3GEO callsign PA3KL formerly PE 1EXD -- PA3KL Active from Northsea JO22KX -- PA60WIM Enjoyed working UK and EI stations -- PA7SL Not much time to participate. Setup is simple, K3 and a HexBeam. -- PD7RB We had local power shortage 9 of the 12 hours operation due to heavy thunder storm damages in Sao Paulo this week-end -- PY2ZZZ MNY TNX! 73's! -- R3LC TNX 73 -- RA7M 73 ! -- RT5C E-MAIL rv9dc@xxxxxxx -- RV9DC Icom 7800 pwr 5W Ant: ECO vertical LW -- RW3AI FOC dinner, not many UK contesters but a lot of EI, our EU friends :-) -- S56A TRX ic730 abt 50w ANT G5RV do : -- SP9KJU 34940 -- TA1CH 73 TA2ACW -- TA2ACW Thank you all amateurs...Best wishes from Ankara / TURKEY -- TA2ANL 73 de Mete TA3EP -- TA3EP 73 & tnx de TA3MHA -- TA3MHA de 73.s -- TA7EB 73! -- UN8PT P.O.B.19 ADDRESS-CITY: CHERNIVTSI ADDRESS-POSTALCODE: 58013 ADDRESS-COUNTRY: UKRAINE -- UR2Y We are a school radio station and enjoy your work in competitions. It is a pity that the set-off for multi-OP only uk/ei. In this case, to take account CHECKLOG. -- UR4PWC TRX - MiniYES + PA 100 W Ant - 10-15-20m - 4-el Yagi 40-80m - Vert Delta 85m prm -- UT8AS Disappointed to only be able to work a few stations -- V6Z Bands not so good from downunder...... -- VK3GK First time at this contest. Excellent contest. -- VK6DW ENJOYED ANOTHER CONTEST.. ANTENNA INV VEE -- VU2UR JUST 2 -- W1/CT1AGF 73 de YO3GNF, op. JACK. -- YO3GNF ROOKIE -- YO3JAV ** ** ********** **** ************* *** *** ** ************* *** *** ** -- YO9HG 73 -- YT0I

Some Statistics

Total QSOs: 24048 Cross Checked QSOs: 10416 UK/EI night bonus QSOs: 257 Total Entrants: 290 UK/EI Entrants: 69 EU Entrants: 173 DX Entrants: 48 Non-entrants are all callsigns worked who didn't submit a log Total Non-entrants: 3320 UK/EI Non-entrants: 811 EU Non-Entrants: 1606 DX Non-Entrants: 903 Total Unique Non-entrants: 1886 UK/EI Unique Non-entrants: 413 EU Unique Non-Entrants: 892 DX Unique Non-Entrants: 581 Stations who paid more than a casual interest in the contest but didn't submit a log Total Non-entrants with 10 or more QSOs: 298 UK/EI Non-entrants with 10 or more QSOs: 104 EU Non-entrants with 10 or more QSOs: 162 DX Non-entrants with 10 or more QSOs: 32 Top twenty non-entrants : SP9LJD 207 QSO records with last sent serial number of 374 UA6YN 200 QSO records with last sent serial number of 345 YT0W 147 QSO records with last sent serial number of 445 YU1KN 133 QSO records with last sent serial number of 165 EA3IN 116 QSO records with last sent serial number of 271 YT1A 116 QSO records with last sent serial number of 17 OK2MC 115 QSO records with last sent serial number of 154 G8CMU 108 QSO records with last sent serial number of 154 IT9PZM 102 QSO records with last sent serial number of 151 PC2D 99 QSO records with last sent serial number of 188 IZ8YAA 97 QSO records with last sent serial number of 132 DK4WO 93 QSO records with last sent serial number of 112 G8HBS 77 QSO records with last sent serial number of 100 EA5DNO 76 QSO records with last sent serial number of 184 OH1LWZ 76 QSO records with last sent serial number of 116 G4CUS 72 QSO records with last sent serial number of 81 DL1NKS 72 QSO records with last sent serial number of 87 S53EO 71 QSO records with last sent serial number of 211 DL1ROT 71 QSO records with last sent serial number of 85 M5ARC 63 QSO records with last sent serial number of 165