The United Kingdom and Ireland Contest Club

Results - DX SSB Contest - 30th Sept/1st Oct 2017

Thanks for enduring the poor propagation conditions and taking part in the third UK/EI DX SSB Contest. We should give Awards for perseverance under these sort of conditions. What a difference a year makes - in 2015 we received 240 entries, in 2016 we received 296 entries, in 2017 we received 137 entries! Note - some contest logging software e.g. WinTest 4.25.1 still expect the Norwich district code to be NR not the new NK. Don't worry you will not lose points if you logged NR instead of NK in this contest. Congratulations to the Multi-operator team of the Avondhu Radio Club EI1E (Ops. Denis EI4KH and Gerard EI5KF) on winning Overall. Congratulations to Declan EI9HQ as the leading single-operator and winner of the High Power Unassisted section, also to Clive GM3POI as winner of the 12-hour HP section and Irmantas LB1AH on winning the Rookie and Single element sections. A small number of logs were received well after the 24-hour log submission deadline and could not be included in the results - sorry. More Results tables, Winner 's names, Awards info, Checklogs etc will be added next week. Scroll down for Soapbox comments and some Statistics. Half of the UBN files have been e-mailed to entrants today (11th Oct) and the rest will be e-mailed next week. The UK/EI DX CW contest is on 31st March/1st April 2018 73 Chris GM3WOJ / GM2V - Adjudicator

Combined Results
UK/EI Sections
EU Sections
DX Sections

Untitled Document
High Power Low Power QRP
  Call Section QSOs Mults Points  
1EI1EHA   M 506187288354
2EI9HQH    464148223480
3GM3POIH   T 326163202772
4GM2VH    360164186632
5LB1AHH    Sr384176169664
6M0VKYH    376134148472
7RW1FHA  T 450180137700
8LX9EGH   T 306160136320
9EI2KAH   T S 237125100000
10I2WIJHA  T 31215286032
11F1NZCHA  T S 26415185617
12IZ4JMUH    S 29412058560
13G3PXTHA  T S 1467037800
14EI4CFH   T S 1418837664
15F5OHMH    18610835748
16M4JH   T 1327130530
17MM1EH   T 1016724790
18VU2YVKH    1307224696
19IZ3SQWHA  T 1367920935
20EW1TZHA   1497818174
21HB9DQLHA   1087815600
22GW4JH   T 86346800
23G3QHA  T 67355530
24G4SH   T 44315456
25OF1TDH   T 76465290
26EI7GYH   T S 46304560
27GW4BVJH   T 39314278
28A61FKHA   56344046
29UX3ITH    M 58394017
30SE5NHA  T 49353570
31VE2BWLHA  T 58282912
32GM5MH   T 51242448
33LA6KOAH   T 48312325
34GM3ZDHH   T 31222068
35G2ZHA  T S 31171598
36N1SOHHA  T 31191539
37PA5SKYHA   32231472
38HB9EIHA  T 27251225
39EB1EWEH    S 39231173
40U1BDH    r28221012
41VO1BQH    S 2014672
42HA7JQKHA   M 1614448
43K1GMMH    1210340
44K0OOHA  T S 1610280
45TA1APIH   T 88208
46F4HXCH    Sr87168
47K4BAIH    6535
  Call Section QSOs Mults Points  
1G4FJKLA   273140121800
2M9TLA  T S 17410359740
3EA7GXLA   M 25411946767
4G4DDXL   T S 1568644376
5MU0GSYL    1288939872
6GM4JYBL   T 1388638872
7PA7WWLA  T 1559037980
8GM0AXYLA   1137329784
9EI7CCL   T 1327027020
10F8KLYLA   M 1579926334
11IK8UNDL   T 1489125025
12RZ3ZLA   1598620554
13EI3ENBLA   S 906518850
14SP1FPGL   T S 1207714091
15GW4WL   T 704912250
16SQ6HLA  T 945611816
17G5UML    S 735011800
18DL4VAILA  T S 615410368
19TA4RCL   T S 70459990
20UT8UFL    122568792
21S57KMLA  T S 70578607
222E0LYFLA  T Sr78448448
23M0WAYLA   S 77378436
24GU0UVHLA  T 51396552
25G2AAL    MS 58394914
26SM5NQBL   T 68424830
27EA2WDLA  T S 67454680
28M6BIRL    S 56314340
29EA1DHBL   T 80443696
30OZ9VL    49342958
31OH1XFEL   T Sr53322784
32G0WWDL   T 43292552
33G6UBMLA  T 35212310
34OE3TWAL    S 50292204
35US5QUBLA  T S 36292175
36HB9MXYL    30272025
37M6EAML    S 33251850
38GM0UKZL   T 29221848
39MM2TLA   51201800
40SV3RPQLA   45271647
41LY2BMXL   T S 24161024
42SQ9SLA  T S 3021987
43EI5DIL   T 1915780
44DJ3GELA  TM 2619760
45S58QLA   2321693
46PC1PMLA   S 2918576
47M0NPQL    Sr1210520
48IZ0VXYL    S 1915450
49F4GVPL   T S 2317442
50LA8RTAL   T 2314406
51YO8SAOLA  T S 2015345
52SP5MKLLA  T r1211308
532M0BECL   T 1411286
54TA2LPL    S 1711275
55OZ4NAL    M 1110190
56DL9FBL    99189
57SE4EL   T S 169180
58ON3NDL    1310140
59OH4EBDL   T S 88128
60YG7SPNL    S 5560
619W2VRDL    6560
62PD7CJTL    8545
63LX1KPL    Sr14936
64SE5LL    11735
65OF5ZAL   TMS 4432
669W6AJAL    3318
679W2LRNL    3318
68UT1ZZL   T S 3315
69TA3EPL   T S 324
70VU2NSLL   T 544
71TA2ACWL   T S 112
729W2VWTL    210
73YD9ATSLA   M 100
  Call Section QSOs Mults Points  
1YO5NI/PQ   T S 44332442
2SQ8MFBQ    33251600
3UT5EOXQ    31251300
4RW3AIQ   TMS 1410220
5YO4AACQ   TM 11896


All bands were extremely noisy. Not an easy contest at all -- 2E0LYF Firstime Join UK/EI DX Contest. Good Luck to All Contester.See you again UK/EI TEST 9W2VRD West Malaysia -- 9W2VRD Checklog -- DC2CC My first UK / EI competition, I hope to return next year. TNX -- EB1EWE Unfortunately support for the contest was poor. -- EI1E BANDS POOR HIGH NOISE ON 80M 40M AND SOME ON 20M BEAT LAST YEARS SCORE -- EI9HQ Thank you for the contest! Propagation is very poor. -- EW1TZ NICE CONTEST ; BUT RUSSIAN CONTEST AT THE SAME TIME ! -- F8KLY 1st go at this chance to air one of Leicester clubs calls Sadly rules only allow 24 hour for club single ops Conditions disappointing got up at 2am to see if F2 had recovered it hadn't! hope better next time 73 de G8FCQ -- G2AA very poor and noisy condtions with almost no inter G. Quite enjoyed working EU, so different than the usual contests. -- G4DDX Condx and UK activity both seemed less than ideal. Congratulations to those DX stations with high scores who were always to be heard. A nice F2 opening on 10m on Saturday evening. Thanks for organising this contest. N1MM+ software was excellent and worked flawlessly. -- G4FJK Sorry, only time for just a short session on 80m on Saturday evening. -- G4S great friendly contest great logging programme -- G5UM HARD WORK FINDING STATIONS. RZ3Z RELUCTANT TO COMPLETE QSOs SD WORKED WELL -- G6UBM SD supports EI CONTEST well. Easy to use! -- GM0UKZ Not able to get on until later on the Saturday. Got the impression there had been more activity earlier. Sunday conditions possibly not so good. -- GM3ZDH Had other commitments so did a few hours when I could -- GW4BVJ Limited time mainly Saturday afternoon. Conditions not great! -- GW4J Poor band conditions and low UK/EI activity. -- GW4W tnx to all staff behind the Contest; it was a great pleasure but condx are still poor. RIG ICOM-7200; 100 W; Antennas 2 element SteppIR and 40/80 m Trap Dipole; both antennas 12 m over Ground. Hpe cu next year es 73 de HB9MXY Rudolf -- HB9MXY It was fun but I expected more UK/EI participation. Good test for my new setup. -- I2WIJ I like the contest formula, but few stations all around...what a pity! -- IK8UND SOAB LOW POWER SSB -- IZ0VXY BAND COULD BE BETTER LOOK TO THE NEXT ONE -- K0OO Tnx for contest 73! Trx IC-7600 Ant QuadLoop 80-10m P.A. SPC 1K -- LB1AH Some people gave strange district codes and a lot needed to be told what to actually exchange. -- LX9EG IC-7300 Delta Loop Multiband, TNX for Contest GL ,73 -- M0NPQ tough conditions. see you next time. -- M0VKY I did S&P working all those I could hear. It was fairly quiet on both days. -- M1PTR Poor conditions - and only time for a limited few hours entry. -- M4J Down on last year. Without the ON contest Sunday morning would have been very quiet! -- M9T Late start on Saturday and good flurry of action for 4hrs, then things were a bit slow towards 9pm. Started again Sunday morning but very poor condx here and only one Q for today. Keep promoting this contest, good format. -- MM1E 14 MHz skip was quite long... Used a 12 m long sloper up 4 m and an IC-7300 for the few contacts. Activity was very low.. Cheers/73, Zaba OH1ZAA -- OF5ZA licence on JAN 2015 -- OH1XFE Icom 706 pwr 5W Ant: ECO vertical -- RW3AI TS-590SG(100W), Windom @20m 73, Sandi -- S57KM Check log -- S58Q 73 de sm5alj Ben -- SE5L my TX =80 W + ant. LW 20m. -- SP1FPG TRX; HM QRP 9-band -- SQ8MFB 73 TA2ACW -- TA2ACW 73 -- TA3EP de TA4RC 73's -- TA4RC ICOM IC-7000 Indoor HVT-400B -- UT1ZZ TRX - MiniYES + PA 100W Ant - Vert Delta 85m -- UT8AS Propagation between UK/EI and VE was quite poor.Ended doing a single band effort. -- VE2BWL Condx seemed poor. 500w and Dipole. Lots of QRN on 40 and 80 Sat evening so I didn't even try. 73 Joe VO1BQ -- VO1BQ Participation -- YG7SPN TNX FER Contest! 73 DE YO5NI, Istvan -- YO5NI/P TS-480SAT 100W 20m J-pole antenna -- YO8SAO

Some Statistics

Total QSOs: 8492.5 Cross Checked QSOs: 2603.5 UK/EI night bonus QSOs: 14 Total Entrants: 137 UK/EI Entrants: 44 EU Entrants: 73 DX Entrants: 20 Non-entrants are all callsigns worked who didn't submit a log Total Non-entrants: 1994 UK/EI Non-entrants: 602 EU Non-Entrants: 996 DX Non-Entrants: 396 Total Unique Non-entrants: 1206 UK/EI Unique Non-entrants: 306 EU Unique Non-Entrants: 591 DX Unique Non-Entrants: 309 Stations who paid more than a casual interest in the contest but didn't submit a log Total Non-entrants with 10 or more QSOs: 129 UK/EI Non-entrants with 10 or more QSOs: 55 EU Non-entrants with 10 or more QSOs: 73 DX Non-entrants with 10 or more QSOs: 1 Top 20 non entrants YP0C 88 QSO records with last sent serial number of 439 IK3UNA 67 QSO records with last sent serial number of 223 F1FPL 59 QSO records with last sent serial number of 81 IK4DCX 54 QSO records with last sent serial number of 85 IV3UHL 53 QSO records with last sent serial number of 118 F4EIK 52 QSO records with last sent serial number of 108 IT9FRX 51 QSO records with last sent serial number of 92 IU3BTY 48 QSO records with last sent serial number of 82 UA6YN 39 QSO records with last sent serial number of 103 YT1A 38 QSO records with last sent serial number of 123 DL2ARD 38 QSO records with last sent serial number of 66 OK1DWQ 37 QSO records with last sent serial number of 57 EA3IN 33 QSO records with last sent serial number of 85 IT9PZM 32 QSO records with last sent serial number of 43 PE2LZ 30 QSO records with last sent serial number of 47 RV9DC 30 QSO records with last sent serial number of 45 I2VXJ 29 QSO records with last sent serial number of 125 G4IIY 28 QSO records with last sent serial number of 427 MI5JYK 28 QSO records with last sent serial number of 43 DL1NKS 26 QSO records with last sent serial number of 71