UK/EI DX SSB Contest - 22nd/23rd September 2018
Thanks for entering the 4th UK/EI DX SSB contest! We hope you enjoyed the event and will enter our UK/EI DX CW contest in March 2019.
We are pleased to receive 220 entries (incl Checklogs) this year - up from 150 last year - a 47% increase. UK/EI entries are also up, from 45 to 50.
Despite the poor conditions there was a good showing from EU and further afield but activity from the UK and EI continues to be disappointing. The success of this format relies on DX stations having good numbers of 'home' stations to work for potential multipliers.So all UK and EI participants who took part please tell your friends and fellow club members (a) how much fun you had, and (b) the conditions are bound to improve! More activity from UK/EI will make this contest more fun for everyone. Please also submit your log, particularly if you make a significant number of contacts - we make this very easy and every log improves the adjudiction accuracy.
The results below are now final (October 1st). Further tables will appear in due course.
The overall winner this year is Chris, GM3WOJ operating GM2V and who wins the superb Kenwood Cup for the second time. He has now won the main prize in both modes, an excellent achievement. (When it became clear he could be in line for an award Chris relinquished any further involvement in the adjudication process and handed everything over to his fellow adjudicators). Overall EU winner is Marius YO3CZW operating the club station YP0C, and Mohammed A41NN in Muscat was the leading DX entrant. Winner of the Low Power section is Valery US0YW operating the club station of UR2Y with Giovanni IZ7FLP leading the qrp section. Kolja DK5KK was the leading Rookie entrant this year having been licenced for just 2 years. Congratulations to all winners!
Scroll down to read the Soapbox comments and some Statistics. Full details of all awards and certificates will appear here later.
The UKEICC team welcome your comments or suggestions about this contest - please e-mail them to Tell us what you think!
73 Stewart GW0ETF, Paul EI5DI - Adjudicators
Untitled Document
UK/EI 24Hrs Unassisted |
High Power |
Low Power |
Call |
Section |
QSOs |
Mults |
Points |
1 | GM5M | H | | 70 | 22 | 3300 |
Call |
Section |
QSOs |
Mults |
Points |
1 | G9Y | L | | 181 | 91 | 54782 | 2 | MU0GSY | L | | 92 | 49 | 15582 | 3 | EI3ENB | L | | 80 | 52 | 13624 | 4 | G1P | L | r | 82 | 53 | 12826 | 5 | G0HDV | L | | 75 | 46 | 11132 | 6 | M6BIR | L | | 46 | 33 | 4224 | 7 | M6VWX | L | Sr | 47 | 27 | 3402 | 8 | M6EAM | L | S | 30 | 17 | 1326 | 9 | G1SQY | L | S | 30 | 15 | 930 | 10 | EI5KO | L | Sr | 18 | 12 | 432 | 11 | M0KEP | L | r | 1 | 1 | 4 | 12 | GW0AJU | L | S | 1 | 0 | 0 |
Call |
Section |
QSOs |
Mults |
Points |
1 | M0IKO | Q | | 8 | 4 | 24 |
UK/EI 12Hr Unassisted |
High Power |
Low Power |
Call |
Section |
QSOs |
Mults |
Points |
1 | GM2V | H | T | 560 | 165 | 284130 | 2 | GW4J | H | T | 143 | 81 | 49086 | 3 | M0MCV | H | T | 152 | 84 | 47376 | 4 | G3T | H | T S | 73 | 49 | 12740 | 5 | EI7GY | H | T S | 50 | 39 | 6630 | 6 | M1DDD | H | T S | 56 | 26 | 4212 | 7 | EI5KG | H | T | 36 | 27 | 3672 |
Call |
Section |
QSOs |
Mults |
Points |
1 | G3XLG | L | T | 149 | 76 | 37088 | 2 | MW9W | L | T S | 158 | 81 | 36126 | 3 | G4DDX | L | T S | 130 | 73 | 32120 | 4 | GW4W | L | T | 118 | 64 | 25856 | 5 | G5UM | L | T S | 102 | 61 | 18422 | 6 | GI4JTF | L | T S | 63 | 43 | 8944 | 7 | G0RAH | L | T S | 41 | 29 | 3538 | 8 | EI7CC | L | T | 38 | 33 | 3498 | 9 | GU0UVH | L | T S | 29 | 22 | 1980 | 10 | G6UBM | L | T | 35 | 23 | 1932 | 11 | M0ITR | L | T Sr | 30 | 20 | 960 | 12 | G0CER | L | T S | 26 | 15 | 660 | 13 | EI3CTB | L | T S | 9 | 6 | 144 | 14 | EI/OK1NYD | L | T S | 6 | 6 | 96 | 15 | M6OTQ | L | T Sr | 9 | 6 | 72 |
Call |
Section |
QSOs |
Mults |
Points |
UK/EI 24Hr Assisted |
High Power |
Low Power |
Call |
Section |
QSOs |
Mults |
Points |
Call |
Section |
QSOs |
Mults |
Points |
1 | G4PVM | LA | | 207 | 98 | 63896 | 2 | M9T | LA | | 117 | 74 | 28712 | 3 | M0JND | LA | Sr | 49 | 37 | 5994 | 4 | G0FPU | LA | S | 11 | 9 | 324 |
Call |
Section |
QSOs |
Mults |
Points |
UK/EI 12Hr Assisted |
High Power |
Low Power |
Call |
Section |
QSOs |
Mults |
Points |
1 | G6MC | HA | T | 473 | 159 | 250266 | 2 | GW9J | HA | T | 240 | 100 | 110600 | 3 | M4J | HA | T | 145 | 73 | 35624 | 4 | G2AA | HA | T S | 108 | 62 | 20088 | 5 | MM1E | HA | T | 52 | 38 | 7296 |
Call |
Section |
QSOs |
Mults |
Points |
1 | G3YCH | LA | T S | 71 | 52 | 13312 | 2 | G4OZG | LA | T | 74 | 47 | 11656 | 3 | G4ERW | LA | T S | 55 | 36 | 6768 |
Call |
Section |
QSOs |
Mults |
Points |
Soapbox comments (uncensored!) :
FT-1000MP 100W 24m lw ant -- DJ1OJ
licensed April 2016 -- DK5KK
Work from DARC Clubstation I21 from Bad Bentheim Germany -- DL0ZZ
73 -- DO4WLL
Conditions and support poor. -- EI1E
That was hard work very deep QSB and nothing on 10 or 15 -- EI7GY
2OW, MP1C antenna. -- EI/OK1NYD
Was checking after work if antennas were turned in the wind! Then i turned on radio there's contest i did 100 qsos in bit more than an our before to give out! Only 25% of qsos were with UK/EI ! Congrats for the ones who were full qrv ! 73s Oli -- F6KHM
First time entry - could only do a short time. -- G0CER
Very enjoyable although conditions did seem poor. Thanks to all -- G1P
0100 0500 slot only worked one so went back to bed ! Little activity on Sunday think will just do a continuous 12 hour slot next year -- G2AA
Very poor conditions, only worked 6.25 hours. I also thought the contest was not very well supported by UKEI ops unfortunately. -- G3XLG
Never known condx so poor. Very high noise here on 80, 40, 20m. Other bands dead! -- G3YCH
I found bands very poor and and noisy.No 10 or 15 conta Virtualy no EI and G stations heard and it was hard work. I used SD as usual which worked well and I enjoyed the contest. -- G4DDX
A weekend of visitors and not enough time for radio. 100 Watts, Trap Dipole at 7M and hb 20M vertical with elevated radials. -- G4OZG
God fun but conditions not great. Things got a bit better once 80m opened. We need more activity! -- G4PVM
great friendly contest -- G5UM
40m seemed dire -- G6UBM
A fun contest - if rather difficult due to incredibly variable conditions! Interesting hearing stations fade out from S9+ mid QSO! Tough work but fun as required good ears. -- G9Y
Solar numbers 68/27/3 with zero sunspots = poor conditions - only 3 QSOs total on 15/10m. Eu QSOs kept me going! Thanks everyone 73 Chris -- GM2V
80m was fun overnight with some nice dx and the North American Sprint to help keep me awake. Overall conditions pretty dire and participation in the contest very poor. -- GW4J
Poor conditions and no antenna for 20m so just a 12 hour token entry to shake out the station ahead of cqww to test the 40m vertical over night. Lack of interest from both uk and ei stations. -- GW9J
No time but I had fun anyway. 73 Bob I2WIJ -- I2WIJ
Only two hours of running but very nice -- IK4LZH
bad propagation...not many stations from UK-EI... -- IU1HCC
rookie : licensed 03/07/2017 yaesu 450d vertical antenna Eco7+ -- IU4JIC
uk/ei DX -- IU6FUB
First attempt at UKEI contest and found to be very hard going from my location in the far sou
Some Statistics
Total QSOs: 13188
Cross Checked QSOs: 6139
UK/EI night bonus QSOs: 100
Total Entrants: 220
UK/EI Entrants: 51
EU Entrants: 145
DX Entrants: 24
Non-entrants are all callsigns worked who didn't submit a log
Total Non-entrants: 2018
UK/EI Non-entrants: 496
EU Non-Entrants: 1259
DX Non-Entrants: 263
Total Unique Non-entrants: 1186
UK/EI Unique Non-entrants: 273
EU Unique Non-Entrants: 734
DX Unique Non-Entrants: 179
Stations who paid more than a casual interest in the contest but didn't submit a log
Total Non-entrants with 10 or more QSOs: 150
UK/EI Non-entrants with 10 or more QSOs: 46
EU Non-entrants with 10 or more QSOs: 100
DX Non-entrants with 10 or more QSOs: 4
Top 20 non entrants
IK3UNA 120 QSO records with last sent serial number of 229
9A3SMS 109 QSO records with last sent serial number of 196
IK2LFF 87 QSO records with last sent serial number of 152
F8KLY 85 QSO records with last sent serial number of 166
DL8UV 74 QSO records with last sent serial number of 84
IU3FBL 67 QSO records with last sent serial number of 82
DL1NKS 66 QSO records with last sent serial number of 73
M7C 64 QSO records with last sent serial number of 106
IQ1ZW 63 QSO records with last sent serial number of 101
IZ5EME 50 QSO records with last sent serial number of 72
HB9TPN 49 QSO records with last sent serial number of 86
PH1V 48 QSO records with last sent serial number of 56
IU8HPD 45 QSO records with last sent serial number of 62
SN5N 43 QSO records with last sent serial number of 81
IX1HPN 36 QSO records with last sent serial number of 47
2E0RMV 33 QSO records with last sent serial number of 39
IN3FOI 33 QSO records with last sent serial number of 41
F8DZU 32 QSO records with last sent serial number of 50
DG5FF 32 QSO records with last sent serial number of 38
GW4BZD 32 QSO records with last sent serial number of 48